Bizignerd noun


Business + Design + Nerd. A person who gets design thinking, data science and business logic, but defies the stigmas of all three.


I'm a web developer & number cruncher.

I aim for clean, data-driven design.
I prioritize efficiency - in workflow & code.
I can be quick-&-dirty, or hyper-detailed.

I primarily use these techs:

Web dev:
JavaScript, React.js, Redux, jQuery, Node.js + Express, mongoDB, HTML5, CSS3, ES6, RESTful APIs
TravisCI, Mocha, Chai, Enzyme, etc.
Number crunching & web scraping:
Python (NumPy), Matlab

Work Samples


Optimized lawmaker search to match the user's political profile

PolitiSmart app screenshot Frontend: React.js, Redux, HTML5, CSS3; includes JWT login handling, AJAX API calls, CI testing (Travis & Enzyme); Deployed on Netlify.

Backend: Node.js with Express; includes JWT user authentication, multiple RESTful API endpoints; Deployed on Heroku, with mLab DB (mongo).

Pediatrician App

A patient data management platform for parents and pediatricians

Pediatrician app screenshot Frontend: jQuery, HTML5, CSS3; includes JWT login handling, AJAX API calls and CI testing (Travis & Enzyme); Deployed on Heroku.

Backend: Node.js with Express; includes JWT user authentication, multiple RESTful API endpoints; Deployed on Heroku, with mLab DB (mongo).

Stock dividends API hack

A dividend attractiveness analysis tool, using real time stock market quotes

Dividends app screenshot Frontend: JavaScript, jQuery, HTML5, CSS3

Pile Of Shapes

A silly way to learn pure JS animation, collision detection and canvas manipulation

Pile-of-Shapes app screenshot gif Frontend: Only pure vanilla JavaScript (not even jQuerry) with barebones HTML5 and CSS3

Contact & Info